Land for sale in Saint Helena Bay

12 Vergelijkbare woningen

Gepubliceerd op 04.10.2018 (Saint Helena Bay, Zuid-Afrika)
  •   Prijs: 8.293 ZAR

Informatie over de woning

Referentienummer 1149403
Land for sale in Saint Helena Bay.
Spacious vacant plot available on the West Coast. It offers unsurpassed coastal living in a relaxed environment with all creature comforts and abundant nature. There is no full limit to the building timeframe, so you can decide when you want to start building your dream home. However once construction has commenced, the project must be completed within one year. The structure cannot exceed 166m on the plot. 1 and a half hours (160km) to get to Shelley Point, along the R27 or West Coast Road is niet verantwoordelijk voor de verstrekte informatie. Indien u meer informatie of details wenst kunt u contact opnemen met de makelaar.

Eigenschappen Eigenschappen

Grondoppervlakte: 278 m2
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