Land for sale in Knysna

12 Vergelijkbare woningen

Gepubliceerd op 09.09.2018 (Knysna, Zuid-Afrika)
  •   Prijs: 44.847 ZAR

Informatie over de woning

Referentienummer 1105428
Land for sale in Knysna.
Situated high on the eastern Head, with panoramic views through to the Outeniqua mountain range. This sloped property offers a rare opportunity to capture the views that make Knysna famous. There is a level portion on the stand and with creative architecture, one could create a unique home perched high up on the hill with outstanding views. The Heads is close to Leisure Island, Knysna Golf Club and the Life Knysna Private Hospital. A short scenic drive takes you to town for shops, restaurants and schools. Enjoy the Knysna lifestyle with the lagoon in close proximity for boating and water sports. Enjoy hiking, cycling, running or bowling or a quiet drink at the Knysna Waterfront watching the sun set on the small harbour. Leisure Island Knysna Golf Club Knysna Lifecare Hospital is niet verantwoordelijk voor de verstrekte informatie. Indien u meer informatie of details wenst kunt u contact opnemen met de makelaar.

Eigenschappen Eigenschappen

Grondoppervlakte: 1 015 m2

Dicht bij: Dicht bij:

School: ja
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