Hotel for long term rent in Belas

12 Vergelijkbare woningen

Gepubliceerd op 30.05.2018 (Belas, Angola)
  •   Prijs op aanvraag

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Referentienummer 970300
Hotel for long term rent in Belas.
The project is situated in Luanda in the Morro Bento, 5 minutes from the airport of Luanda. Closed complex with apartments T0, T1 and T2 for short and long term rentals, offering a huge range of services and accommodation. Outdoor parking is available within the complex. It offers various leisure facilities like swimming pool, common sports complex, bar and restaurant and also some additional services such as security, conference room or laundry. is niet verantwoordelijk voor de verstrekte informatie. Indien u meer informatie of details wenst kunt u contact opnemen met de makelaar.

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Alle voorzieningen: ja

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