For Sale Hotel 1432m² in Cañas

12 Vergelijkbare woningen

Gepubliceerd op 14.01.2018 (Cañas, Costa Rica)
  •   Prijs: 888.016 $
Badkamers: 41
1432 m2

Informatie over de woning

Referentienummer 802917
For Sale Hotel 1432m² in Cañas.
The Hotel de Paso is located in the beautiful city of Cañas, in the magnificent province of Guanacaste. It offers 41 bedrooms, single, double, triple or cuadruple, with their respective bathroom. A great restaurant and kitchen is included, capable of serving 100 people that can be seated in one of the two halls the hotel has. Energy wise, the property has an energy saving program and a solar panels for lighting. With 1,400 m2 of construction and 1,518 m2 of lot size, this is an amazing opportunity for someone looking to create or run a business in Cañas. is niet verantwoordelijk voor de verstrekte informatie. Indien u meer informatie of details wenst kunt u contact opnemen met de makelaar.

Eigenschappen Eigenschappen

Grondoppervlakte: 1 518 m2
Badkamers: 41
Woonoppervlakte: 1432 m2

Apparatuur en uitrusting Apparatuur en uitrusting




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