Apartment 2 bedroom for long term rent in Pretoria

12 अन्य समान संपत्ति

29.10.2016 प्रकाशित (Pretoria, दक्षिण अफ्रीका)
  •   मूल्य: 234 ZAR / प्रति माह कीमत
Bedrooms_hi: 2
बाथरूम: 1

संपत्ति की जानकारी

संपत्ति का संदर्भ 73188
Apartment 2 bedroom for long term rent in Pretoria.
Luxurious city life at an affordable price. 2 bed apartments in the Pretoria West area in a safe security complex. Perfect for the fast pace city life and for the tranquil family home! Contact: Kate Mazombe. Cell: 0 **** 33

