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4 bedroom Apartment 186m² in Faro for sale

published 06.04.2017 (Faro, Algarve, Portugal)
  •   Price: 420,576 $
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
186 m2

Property information

Reference number 456715
4 bedroom Apartment 186m² in Faro for sale.
Excellent apartment located in the orchard of the figures. Made up of two suites, large room, 4 balconies and parking. Air conditioned, double glazed Windows, false ceilings, reinforced door and alarm. The site of choice in town, with splendid views over the ría and the city

Liveonriviera.com does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the information provided or accuracy of the property descriptions. To view this property or request more details contact the real estate agency.

Detail Info Detail Info

Land lot: 165 m2
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Living area : 186 m2

Property features Property features


Dining room
Security door

Property typeProperty type

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