It isn’t everyone that owns a holiday home however if you do then you will feel blessed in respect to
a place where you can get away and hopefully relax. Sometimes keeping this maintained can be
pretty difficult as not being there all the time can cause you to take your eye off the ball and for it
not to be your biggest priority. It is important you don’t allow this to happen for your own sanity but
also in terms of ensuring the home is of a good standard in case you want to sell this on. There are
different types of improvements you can consider for your holiday home.

If you are not fortunate enough to have a garage then you may wish to build one to allow for extra
storage. Some people use their holiday home for things like sailing, cycling or sports. Not many
people nowadays use their garage for their motor vehicles and more for storage of these types of
equipment. Armstrong Steel’s steel buildings are a perfect solution as they can offer some pretty
simple and effective solutions to building a garage or additional storage space. Their steel buildings
are durable, easy to assemble, energy efficient and cost efficient so it would be well worth the
In addition to this, some people have a separate car in their holiday home therefore having this
garage will allow it to be stored securely in this location when you are not around. Before you go
ahead and purchase a new steel garage, just be sure to check out your rights around this and if you
can do this without notifying the authorities as in some areas permission will be required and
neighbours can object to you doing this. If you don’t get the correct permission beforehand and
embark on this journey then the authorities could force you to bring down the building at your cost.

Interior Refresh
If you are not in the holiday home very often it can be easy for you to not treat it like your own and
let the interior get grubby. Sometimes a lick of paint can do a lot good work in order to improve the
look and make you feel a lot more refreshed. Doing this yourself can be a painful activity therefore
consider using a painter and decorator to do this on your behalf. Normally a painting job is not too
expensive. Other interior changes you could do would be to maybe improve your windows to
ensure they are double glazed. Most modern homes are equipped with double glazing which helps
keep the heat in and the noises from storms to a minimum.

Garden Refresh
If you have a front or back yard in your holiday home then spending a bit of time or money on
refreshing this can help keep your energy levels and motivation high. Gardening is not only a
summer activity and you can still maintain plants and hedges all year round. Consider simple things
like adding a water feature or shrubs to give it a bit of a boost.