Choosing the right retirement place depends on several factors such as location, weather, cost of living, taxes, nature and scenery. Most elderly people want to retire on a beautiful coast where sunshine is bright all year long, and prices are affordable.

Most elderly people want to retire on a beautiful coast where sunshine is bright all year long

Each year more countries become accessible and affordable for people who want to retire. Different associations have surveyed several countries to pick the best places to retire in. Some region have become accessible due to the weak euro and the economical crisis. Americas are also choosing Europe as one of their top retirement places. Living a healthy lifestyle in a beautiful place is one of the main priorities for the elderly.


These top five retirement destinations in Europe make a perfect choice for different people.


1.  Portugal


Portugal is known for its rich history, good health care, wonderful weather and reasonable costs of living. For three consecutive years, the southern coast of Portugal in Algarve to be precise, it has been the top choice for many people.

Portugal offers retirees low cost of living, reasonable real estate prices, great weather, residency programs, and a healthy happy lifestyle. Not to forget that Portugal is one of the safest places on earth. Living costs are reasonably low compared to other countries in europe, and buying a property here costs three times less than France.

A retired couple can live comfortable in portugal with a budget of $1,500 per month. 


2. Malta


One of the smaller islands in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast, this is a retirement choice for many brits for a reason. Being one of the most populated countries on earth considering its size because its always sunny and shiny. The average temperature being 23C with winter being as cold as 13C, this place is a true haven. Being that English is the main language, no wonder why this island is an attraction for British and American retirees.

Rents in Malta are cheap starting at 350 euros, and other living costs are considered much lower than most european cities by almost 18%. Healthcare is also excellent with low insurance costs.


3. Spain


Regardless of the financial crisis and economical meltdown, Spain still remains in the top three countries to retire in. Known for its beautiful cities and culture, this country has the largest expats community with the lowest crime rate. Every city in Spain offers a unique different experience. There is always plenty of choice, Ibiza in the summer, Madrid and barcelona for a weekend, or Malaga for a week.

The most popular place to invest or retire in is Costa del Sol. Other retirement options can be Costa blanca, or Costa Dorada for those searching for beautiful beaches, and charming cities. Spain still offers the lowest living costs in Europe.


4. France

France, La Provence

France offers many options for retirees. From the golden sands and sparkling waters of Cote D’azur to charming small ancient towns away from the water. This country has made it to the list of the top five retirement destination for several reasons. The city of Pau, offers retirees a beautiful experience of towering mountains, small valleys, ancient castles and beautiful rivers. This city is the birthplace of King Henry IV of France. Cost of living here are much lower than Paris or the south of France.


5. Italy

Italy, Tuscany

Vineyards, relaxed life, italian cuisine are few of the things Italy can offer. Many beautiful regions in italy can offer affordable lifestyle with a charming twist such as Tuscany, Abruzzo, and Puglia.

Puglia is located in southern Italy only 50 miles away from Greece. Long summers, no rainfall and lowest living costs in all of Italy. These regions offer more than just a bargain with a healthy lifestyle.